The property tax appeal process can take as little as two months, however the vast majority of cases are settled in 7 to 12 months.
The property tax appeal process can take as little as two months, however the vast majority of cases are settled in 7 to 12 months.
Unfortunately denials from the Board of Assessment Review are pretty typical. But don't worry; we will prepare and file all of the necessary paperwork needed for the next step, which
You do not need to attend any hearings! Granite Tax Reduction Consultants will prepare all of the paperwork and attend all hearings on your behalf, fighting your case and putting our expertise
No, you cannot challenge past assessments. On Grievance Day and at Small Claims Assessment Review hearings you can appeal your current year assessment only. You cannot get a reduction for
The assessor, the Board of Assessment Review and the Small Claims Assessment Review hearing officers generally do not consider this to be as reliable or thorough as the evidence we
In some instances you can use a recent appraisal. For a successful tax assessment challenge, the appraisal needs to establish the market value of your property based on a specific
The best form of evidence is an appraisal prepared by a certified, licensed real estate appraiser. An appraiser is an unbiased professional, bound by a code of ethics, who is
First you must collect evidence of over-assessment. Then submit a complaint to the Board of Assessment Review by the Grievance Day deadline along with your evidence. The Board of Assessment Review considers
No, challenging your property assessment will have no impact on those or any other exemptions.
You can submit a complaint to the Board of Assessment Review every year, however if you are granted a reduction through the Small Claims Assessment Review appeal process, then you